Sunday, 5 August 2007

Day 22: Sunday, 5 August

Troy, OH to Athens, OH...[map]
We are finally out of the fricking corn and soya...
Mileage: 153.0miles, Start: 7:00am, Time: 10hr:25min,
Avg: 16.7mph, Rolling: 14.7mph, Climb: 3,024ft,
Weather: Rain, Temp: 65-75°F
Felt a bit sore this morning, following my tumble yesterday, but, with my wounds done up like a cycling pro I made the start line of today's stage and took my place in the peleton. We were on our second day in Ohio and were promised we would be out of the corn and into the hills again by the afternoon! Yes!

The weather has turned aswell today. It was overcast at breakfast and the rains started during the morning. Quite heavy and persistent until lunch. Approaching lunch in Circleville it came down hard. So hard, the main street was getting flooded. I missed the left turn to lunch as I couldn't see anything! Found it eventually after backtracking a couple of blocks.

After lunch we rode though a lovely wooded area (Hocks Hills?) and the road became more and more lumpy from there until the finish in Athens. Michael and I enjoyed the hills together again but backed off after a while as we've got a long day tomorrow with more of the same hills.

My wounds didn't really enjoy 10 hours in the rain so it may be a difficult sleep tonight...

Sag stop in the rain - a rare sight of this tour...
Gentlemans at the front, the Ladies is a few rows in...


R & A said...

Have been playing 'catch up' this morning and am now up to date with your blog.

Have seen your road rash in the past so am thinking in terms of a steak!!!!! Hope it is not getting in your way too badly, and that you are managing to sleep enough to keep you going.

R & A

Anonymous said...

What is that picture? There are kids viewing!! (haha) Am sure they'll find it funny. But really!?

Hope you don't hurt too bad. I'm sure you'll brave it out without whinging too much :-)

Take care and enojoy the last few days.