Sunday, 29 July 2007

Day 14: Saturday, 28 July

Murdo, SD to Mitchell, SD...[map]
Caught an injury today unfortunately...
Mileage: 82.6miles (to lunch), Start: 6:30am, Time: 6hr:39min,
Avg: 14.1mph, Rolling: 12.4mph, Climb: 1,358ft,
Weather: Sunny, comfortable, Temp: 65-85°F
Didn't feel too good starting out today. Maybe yesterday took more out of me than I thought. My legs were pretty dead setting off. We also started out on the same boring road we came in on yesterday. The wind was still against aswell. I struggled.

Then I gradually pulled a muscle in my calf. Now, most injuries gained on this tour, you know you can ride though. I thought the same with this calf pull aswell. So, I kept riding. This turned out not to be the correct move this time, as the calf got worse during the morning. I finally had to call it a day at lunch and catch a lift to the hotel, so as to limit the damage.

I'm resting up this evening, after having a massage and ice. I'll have to see what it's like in the morning, but I think I might need a day off. Might not be a bad thing anyway. This tour is hard and quite a few people have already had a 'holiday'.

Missouri River.
Old Bridge across the Missouri

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