I'm back and it feels good!
Mileage: 135.0miles, Start: 7:00am, Time: 9hr:19min,
Avg: 16.6mph, Rolling: 14.5mph, Climb: 2,335ft,
Weather: Sunny and quite humid, Temp: 64-86°F
Knocked out a quick 135 miles today. I'm back and it feels good! I took it quite easy during the day, but still managed to ease myslf near to the front. My two days rest sure helped my general physical state, aswell as fixing my dodgy calf.
It was quite a nice stage today. The early section was reminisicent of Southern England. I felt right at home, apart from the fact I was riding on the wrong side of the road and sweating profusely at 7:30am. We've still got a slight headwind, though. Prevaling westerly winds my bottom...
Highlight today was crossing the Mississippi river at the end of the day. This is the metaphorical dividing line between Western and Eastern America. We had great views of the river from the arched bridge into Prairie Du Chein, our overnight stop. There was even a Mississippi river boat moored on one shore!
All in all, a nice day, and I'm glad to be back in the saddle!!!
Early one morning just as the sun was rising...
We'll mostly be seeing a lot of this - corn...
...and this - soya bean.
Another state change
Continuing the everything in America is big theme...
Amish buggy. I was so excited I fluffed the shot!
Another One!...Oh Bugger...
Me at the Mississippi
Another state - are we moving or what!
Hi Shaun -
This is Michael's wife, Julie.
Glad to hear that your calf has healed and that you're back on the road enjoying the ride!
Funny that even though you are taking it easy you end up near the front. Not competitve then? Haha.
Glad you've recovered and can enjoy the ride. And you are not with my horse on box rest - pulled her sacroilliac joint playing in the field - you think she'd grow up? Must be a horse thing - us humans grow up and stop doing silly things. Urm - actually - maybe we don't!
Have a good day.
Great to hear you are back in the saddle!! Great to see the Mississippi (just had to prove I could spell it!!)
Take care and happy cycling.
Beth and the Mob XX
Hi Shaun,
Glad you are back on form, even managed to allow us a little of your sunshine, much appreciated.
R & A
Thanks guys!
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